Saturday, January 16, 2010

Late and/or Missed Updates

I'm really sorry about this, and I don't have an excuse.

But I do have a good reason.
I'm a full time University student, as such I have a lot of work and projects to do. Unfortunately that means that when I have to push some things back this comic will definitely be one of them. Alas, that is the fate of personal ambitions when one is paying for their education. I hope you can understand that.

As such I'm going to instate an anecdote to my Thursday schedule: If I miss an update there will not be a make-up update, come back next Thursday. I'm sorry, that's just the way it has to be during the school year. When May rolls around I'll probably be able to increase frequency but we'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for sticking around,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

"A Fall"

I finished the latest page in time to kick start my new schedule before the week was out!
That means you get the first update of 2010 almost half a week early!
It also means that you won't get another page on Monday because we'll be going directly to the Thursday schedule.

I also went back and revised the dialogue on the previous page, it just didn't seem to flow right to me.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Impending Return

Hello all!

I'm pleased to announce the return of the comic in exactly one week's time! I'm planning on adopting a Thursday schedule for updates, but I don't want to make you wait too long un-necessarily! So next week you'll get two updates, then one every Thursday!

We'll see how it works out. This is my first attempt at a regular schedule for anything, so I may have to make some adjustments.

Hope you had a great Holiday Season, see you soon.